My heart is so full as I post this. God is so good to bring such a gift into our lives "Lord thank you for calling us."
We received an email January 18th letting us know that our documents were sent to China. On Feb. 19th we received an email that we have a log in date with China (as of Feb. 5th) That means our next step is letter of acceptance or approval not really sure what LOA means. We will then travel 2 or 3 months after that. Blessed, Blessed, Blessed.
God has given us just what we need every step of the way. It amazes me how He just gives peace freely. His timing has truly been perfect. I see it more and more as I look back over the last year and a half.
I will admit I can not wait to get my hands on our little china boy doll.
Fun ways we have been celebrating our China boy......
July- for the 4th of July Luke bought a Chinese lantern and we lit it just for "G"
On Morris' birthday November 17th we had a party for him. I made fried rice (which we attempted to eat with chopsticks) and a panda bear cake. We celebrated with family as each of us prayed for our sweet boy. He got some cute gifts! We took the kids to build a bear and let them make him a bear with our voices recorded and some hearts.
Christmas- I tried incorporating some Chinese decorations in with the Christmas decor. We made a Chinese advent calendar out of mini Chinese food boxes, Asian paper, and an Asian nativity. His stocking with his name on it was hung up and filled and family put gifts for him under the tree.
I'm learning some Chinese food recipes.
Chinese new year- we where in San Fran which doesn't get better than that. China district need I say more. Chinese lanterns hanging everywhere and beautiful Asians everywhere. My man took me out on a date to the most amazing Asian restaurant. We had so much fun eating and shopping in the china district for Morris.
Our prayer is that God continues to give us more of His heart and that He will continue using our lives in ways we never thought possible. With God all things are possible. Thank you for sharing Your heart with us Lord.
I desire to die to self more and more so that God can be lifted higher and higher.
God makes beautiful things out of the dust. He makes beautiful things out of us.
Open your heart to Gods calling on your life you will be amazed.